Hilfe für Erik
Call for help for Erik from Himmelkron

Angelika Wahl: “Home instead of a care facility has been the heartbeat of our family for 15 years. In 2008, we decided to welcome a severely disabled boy into our home, to provide him with a loving environment, unconditionally accepting him with all his unique qualities, and offering him a space where he can grow and develop in his own way. From the beginning, our wish was for him to always stay with us. To fulfill that wish, we started building an extension onto our existing house to accommodate his care needs. These rooms provide ample space for living, a place for the specialized child care service that has been with us for 12 years, and a space for therapies (occupational, speech, and physical) at home. The extension is connected to our house, so Erik is not separated from us but always close by. At the same time, it also creates more privacy for the rest of our family. The past months and their economic impact have not left us unaffected. The costs, even with the planned buffer, will exceed our means. That's why we need your support. The funds will be exclusively used for Erik's extension. We thank each and every one of you for your support and, on behalf of Erik, we say a huge THANK YOU for supporting our heartfelt project!”

