Aktive Bürger Lichtenfels
Practicing social responsibility - donating time - commitment in voluntary work

The challenges in our society require new solutions. The scope for action of public institutions in the district Lichtenfels is - as everywhere - limited both in terms of personnel and finances. Voluntary civic engagement is therefore becoming an increasingly important prerequisite for strengthening the future viability of our society. A democratic state thrives on the willingness of its citizens to actively assume responsibility for the common good. This voluntary and unpaid solidarity holds our society together and creates a climate of social togetherness.

The "Active Citizens" volunteer center therefore promotes civic engagement in the district of Lichtenfels.
We are a contact point for people who are looking for meaningful activities and want to get involved on a voluntary basis.
Initiatives, clubs and associations in the district of Lichtenfels that offer voluntary work are given the opportunity to present themselves and what they have to offer.
We are politically and confessionally independent and work on a voluntary basis.
We want to awaken enthusiasm for volunteering and help to make our district a better place to live.
The volunteer center "Active Citizens" is an initiative of the civil foundation for youth and family in the district of Lichtenfels.

Further information can be found here: https://www.aktive-buerger-lichtenfels.de/aktive-buerger.html