Münchberger Tisch: Not lindern durch Lebensmittelspenden

Münchberger Tisch: alleviating hardship through food donations

SPAGAT cultural stage

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Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education of the...

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terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria In February 2023, devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria. The destruction was enormous and the suffering of the people affected is immeasurable. Particularly hard hit were the...

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Münchberger Tisch: alleviating hardship through food donations

In many parts of society, there are people who barely have enough to live on. Especially in difficult times like these, it is often the poorest who are dependent on support to make ends meet. This is precisely where the Münchberg table to. It helps local people by distributing food to the needy and refugees, thus alleviating the most urgent need. With its work, the Münchberger Tisch ensures that no one has to go hungry - regardless of their origin or living situation.

The important work of the Münchberg table

The Münchberg Table is an offer from the Diaconia Münchberg and is committed to helping people who are unable to meet their daily food needs. In the Münchberg region, the table is a central point of contact for people in need, who are regularly supplied with food here.

The target group is primarily people who are in a precarious financial situation - including single parents, pensioners, the unemployed and refugees. For them, the support provided by the Münchberger Tisch is often an important lifeline in everyday life.

Support for refugees

In recent years, the number of refugees coming to Germany has risen sharply. Many of them arrive without any belongings and are left with nothing. The Münchberger Tisch provides valuable support here by regularly sending food to refugees. This ensures that this particularly vulnerable group also receives the help they urgently need to at least get by on a daily basis.

How does the Münchberg table work?

The Münchberger Tisch is based on a simple but very effective principle: food donated by supermarkets, bakeries and other stores is collected, sorted and then distributed to people in need. This often involves products that are close to their best-before date but are still perfectly edible.

Through cooperation with various companies and private donors

the Münchberger Tisch is able to provide a wide selection of food. These range from fresh baked goods, fruit and vegetables to canned goods and dairy products. The distribution takes place regularly and is organized by volunteers.

organized and implemented.

The role of volunteers

The work of the Münchberger Tisch would not be possible without the commitment of the many volunteers.

not possible. They not only ensure that the donated food is collected and sorted on time, but also distribute it to those in need. For many of these people, the volunteers are not only helpers, but also an important link to the community. They listen, give comfort and offer support where they can.

You too can get involved with the Münchberger Tisch! Every helping hand is welcome, and there are many ways to get actively involved - be it by helping with the distribution, with the organization or by donating your own food.

Why the Münchberg table is so important

Poverty in Germany is often invisible. Many people are ashamed to ask for help, even though they urgently need support. The Münchberger Tisch offers these people not only the food they need, but also a place where they are not left alone with their worries and needs. This help is invaluable, especially for refugees, who often do not have the social safety net to support others in times of crisis.

How you can support the Münchberger Tisch

The Münchberger Tisch relies on donations and voluntary work to continue its important work. There are various ways in which you can support the Münchberger Tisch:

  • Food donations: Companies and private individuals can donate surplus or no longer saleable but edible food. These are then passed on directly to those in need.

  • Financial donations: Monetary donations are also a valuable support to maintain the logistics and organization of food distribution.

  • Volunteer help: The Münchberger Tisch is always looking for volunteers to help with the collection, sorting and distribution of food. Every helping hand is welcome!

You can find more information on how you can get involved on the Website of Diakonie Münchberg.

Frequently asked questions

1. who can obtain food from the Münchberger Tisch?
The Münchberger Tisch is aimed at people in need who find themselves in a financial emergency. These include the unemployed, single parents, pensioners and refugees.

2. how often is food distributed?
Food is distributed regularly. You can find out the exact times on the Diakonie Münchberg website or directly from the Münchberger Tisch.

3. what food is donated?
We mainly donate food that is close to its best-before date but is still edible. This includes fresh baked goods, fruit, vegetables, canned goods and dairy products.

4 How can I support the Münchberger Tisch?
You can support the Münchberger Tisch through food donations, financial donations or volunteer work. Further information can be found on the Diakonie Münchberg website.

5 What makes the Münchberg table special?
The Münchberger Tisch combines direct support for those in need with the sustainable use of food that would otherwise be wasted. It is also an important point of contact for people seeking help and community in their time of need.

Logo Münchberger Tisch

Horizont e.V. München: Ein Zuhause und echte Perspektiven für obdachlose Mütter und Kinder

Horizont e.V. Munich: A home and real prospects for homeless mothers and children

SPAGAT cultural stage

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Hermann-Lietz-Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The Hermann Lietz Schools have made it their mission to awaken and promote the joy of learning in their pupils. In the boarding schools, which are steeped in tradition...

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The war in Ukraine has forced millions of people to flee, including countless children who often reach neighboring countries with only a few belongings. For these...

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. has been an important pillar of youth welfare in the district of Ahrweiler for over 35 years. The association's work is aimed at young people...

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education of the...

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Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground In summer 2022, an important construction project was due at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: the replacement of the fall protection on the playground of the...

Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya Since its foundation in 2003, Asante e.V. has helped countless children and young people in Tiwi, Kenya, to have a chance of a better future. Through...

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria In February 2023, devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria. The destruction was enormous and the suffering of the people affected is immeasurable. Particularly hard hit were the...

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt A diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness changes the life of a child and their family from the ground up. For the children affected, it's not just about the physical battle against the...

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Service

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg Once a year, Münchberg says: "Let's go to the Wiesenfest weekend!" The Wiesenfest is a firmly established part of Münchberg's culture and...

Horizont e.V. Munich: A home and real alternatives for homeless families

Munich, one of the most prosperous cities in Germany, is not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of homelessness. But behind the façade of economic success lies a bitter truth: more than 3,000 children live here without a permanent home (source: Munich Social Services Department, November 2022). This staggering figure represents more than just a lack of living space - it stands for fate, trauma and hopelessness. This is precisely where the non-profit association Horizont e.V. which has been offering mothers and their children in need a new perspective for over 25 years.

A safe haven for traumatized families

Most of the homeless families in Munich are invisible. They often hide from the public because they feel ashamed or are afraid that they will not be helped. Women and children who have ended up on the streets as a result of domestic violence or other traumatizing experiences are particularly affected. Without help and protection, they are left to fend for themselves in their distress.

Horizont e.V. was set up to give these invisible people a bit of normality and security again. The association not only offers a roof over their heads, but also comprehensive care and psychological support. Horizont helps the affected families to overcome their traumas and develop new perspectives on life through safe living spaces and targeted support.

How Horizont e.V. works: Holistic support for mothers and children

The services offered by Horizont e.V. go far beyond providing housing. In Horizont's houses, families not only find a safe home, but also security and a regular daily routine. Special attention is paid to the needs of children, who often suffer from the consequences of homelessness and the trauma they have experienced.

1. Living space and security

Providing housing is the first and most important step in giving stability to the mothers and children affected. For many of these families, a safe place means not only a roof over their heads, but also a feeling of protection and security. In the shelters run by Horizont e.V., the residents find

a home that enables them to find their feet again.

2. Psychosocial support and therapy

Many of the mothers and children in our care have experienced severe violence and are deeply traumatized. Horizont e.V. offers targeted psychological support to deal with these traumas. Both the mothers and the children receive therapeutic support to help them come to terms with what they have experienced and find new hope. This support is provided by qualified professionals who specialize in the particular needs of traumatized families.

3. Education and integration

Another central component of Horizont e.V.'s work is to promote the social and professional integration of mothers. Training courses, educational programs and practical assistance make it easier for the women to return to work. At the same time, the children are given the chance of a regular school education and social participation, which is crucial for their future.

The invisible struggle: homelessness in Munich

In Munich, homelessness is often invisible. Unlike in many large cities, the people affected here are less likely to be seen on the streets. Instead, many of them live in emergency shelters, with friends or in makeshift solutions. Women and children in particular easily fall into this vicious circle of invisibility. But the hardship is real: poverty, social isolation and the constant struggle to find a safe place to sleep are part of everyday life for many of these families.

The work of Horizont e.V. brings these invisible fates to light. Through targeted offers of help, the association draws attention to the problem of hidden homelessness and gives the affected families a voice. By offering them not only a home, but also long-term prospects, the initiative makes a decisive contribution to combating poverty and homelessness in Munich.

How you can help: Support for Horizont e.V.

The work of Horizont e.V. is made possible by donations and the active support of volunteers. Without this help, it would hardly be possible to help the families so comprehensively. Every contribution counts - whether through monetary donations, donations in kind or voluntary work.

If you would also like to make a contribution, you can find more information on the Website of Horizont e.V.. Your help can contribute to giving mothers and their children hope and a future again.

Frequently asked questions

1. how long can families stay at Horizont e.V.?
The duration of the stay depends on the individual situation of the families. However, the aim is to support them until they are able to stand on their own two feet again.

2 Who finances the work of Horizont e.V.?
It is mainly financed by donations and public funding. The city of Munich also supports the initiative.

3. what requirements must families fulfill in order to be accepted at Horizont e.V.?
Mothers and children who are acutely threatened or affected by homelessness are accepted. Places are allocated according to urgency.

4. how can I support Horizont e.V.?
There are many ways to support Horizont - through financial donations, donations in kind or voluntary work. You can find all the information you need on the association's website.

5. what successes has Horizont e.V. already achieved?
Over the past 25 years, the association has helped countless families to build a new life. Thanks to Horizont's support, many women have been able to return to work and give their children a stable future.

Logo Horizont e.V.