FC Eintracht Münchberg: Die Zukunft des Vereins liegt in der Jugendarbeit

FC Eintracht Münchberg: The future of the club lies in youth work

SPAGAT cultural stage

Culture for all: The importance of cultural participation through the Spagat Kulturbühne In a world that is changing ever faster, cultural meeting places are more valuable than ever. The Spagat Kulturbühne, a unique institution in the north of Munich, offers...

Hermann Lietz Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Hermann-Lietz-Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The Hermann Lietz Schools have made it their mission to awaken and promote the joy of learning in their pupils. In the boarding schools, which are steeped in tradition...

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The war in Ukraine has forced millions of people to flee, including countless children who often reach neighboring countries with only a few belongings. For these...

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. has been an important pillar of youth welfare in the district of Ahrweiler for over 35 years. The association's work is aimed at young people...

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education of the...

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground In summer 2022, an important construction project was due at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: the replacement of the fall protection on the playground of the...

Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya Since its foundation in 2003, Asante e.V. has helped countless children and young people in Tiwi, Kenya, to have a chance of a better future. Through...

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria In February 2023, devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria. The destruction was enormous and the suffering of the people affected is immeasurable. Particularly hard hit were the...

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt A diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness changes the life of a child and their family from the ground up. For the children affected, it's not just about the physical battle against the...

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Service

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg Once a year, Münchberg says: "Let's go to the Wiesenfest weekend!" The Wiesenfest is a firmly established part of Münchberg's culture and...

FC Eintracht Münchberg: The future of the club lies in youth work

The future of a soccer club lies in the young legs of its up-and-coming players. This is exactly what the FC Eintracht Münchberg on the flags. With successful youth work, the club not only lays the foundation for sporting success in the future, but also creates a strong sense of community and social responsibility. The WIRTH Foundation is pleased to be able to support this important work with a donation to finance trainers, equipment and sports materials.

Why good youth work is so important

For a soccer club, youth work is the foundation on which everything else is built. It not only ensures that young players

The children are not only integrated into the club, but also promote their sporting development, team spirit and social skills. The FC Eintracht Münchberg attaches great importance to teaching children and young people the joy of soccer and at the same time promoting important values such as fairness, respect and discipline.

With a large number of young members, the club is proud of its active youth work. However, maintaining and improving this requires not only commitment, but also financial resources. This is where the support of the WIRTH Foundation into play.

The support of the WIRTH Foundation

The WIRTH Foundation has set itself the task of promoting regional initiatives that benefit children and young people. With a generous donation, the foundation supports FC Eintracht Münchberg in the financing of:

  • Trainers: Well-trained coaches are at the heart of any successful youth development program. They not only teach the young players the sporting basics, but are also important role models.

  • Equipment and sports materials: Suitable materials are essential in order to offer children and young people the best possible training conditions. The donation helps to ensure that the club is always equipped with high-quality sports equipment - from balls and jerseys to training equipment.

The importance of youth work for the association

For FC Eintracht Münchberg, strong youth work not only means sporting prospects for the future, but also a stable social environment for the young members. The club is a place where children and young people not only receive sporting support, but also experience a sense of community. At a time when the number of young athletes is declining in many regions, it is all the more important to get children interested in club sport at an early age.

The club's youth work is broadly based: In addition to regular training, FC Eintracht Münchberg also offers tournaments, vacation camps and special development programs to discover and promote young talent.

The role of the trainer

For FC Eintracht Münchberg, the coaches are

central players in youth work. They are not only responsible for the sporting development of the children, but also accompany them as mentors on their way. A good coach can have an enormous influence on the motivation and success of young players.

have. With its donation, the WIRTH Foundation is making it possible to increase the number of trainers

and to support their training.

How you can support the youth work of FC Eintracht Münchberg

Supporting youth work is a long-term investment in the future of the club. In addition to the generous donation from the WIRTH Foundation, there are also other ways to support FC Eintracht Münchberg:

  • Donations: Financial support helps the club to continue investing in coaches, equipment and events for the next generation.

  • Volunteer work: The association welcomes volunteers

    who would like to help with the coaching of the youth teams or the organization of tournaments and events.

  • Sponsoring: Companies can contribute to the sustainable promotion of the club's youth work through sponsorship.

You can find more information about the support options on the Website of the FC Eintracht Münchberg.

Frequently asked questions

1. how does the WIRTH Foundation support FC Eintracht Münchberg?
The WIRTH Foundation supports the club's youth work with a donation, which is used to finance coaches and purchase equipment and sports materials.

2 Why is youth work so important for the club?
Youth work secures the sporting future of the club and promotes the personal development of children and young people. It creates a strong sense of community and forms the basis for sporting success.

3. how many youth teams does FC Eintracht Münchberg have?
The club has several youth teams that are active in various age groups. These teams train regularly and take part in regional and national tournaments.

4. can you support the club's youth work?
Yes, the association relies on donations and voluntary work to further expand its youth work. Financial support and sponsorship are further ways of supporting the association.

5 What role do the trainers play? in youth work?
The coaches are the central figures in youth work. They not only lead the training sessions, but also support the children and young people in their personal development and teach important values such as fairness and team spirit.

Wappen FC Eintracht Münchberg

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Pädagogische Projektförderung dank der WIRTH-Stiftung

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Educational project funding thanks to the WIRTH Foundation

SPAGAT cultural stage

Culture for all: The importance of cultural participation through the Spagat Kulturbühne In a world that is changing ever faster, cultural meeting places are more valuable than ever. The Spagat Kulturbühne, a unique institution in the north of Munich, offers...

Hermann Lietz Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Hermann-Lietz-Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The Hermann Lietz Schools have made it their mission to awaken and promote the joy of learning in their pupils. In the boarding schools, which are steeped in tradition...

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The war in Ukraine has forced millions of people to flee, including countless children who often reach neighboring countries with only a few belongings. For these...

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. has been an important pillar of youth welfare in the district of Ahrweiler for over 35 years. The association's work is aimed at young people...

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education of the...

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground In summer 2022, an important construction project was due at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: the replacement of the fall protection on the playground of the...

Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya Since its foundation in 2003, Asante e.V. has helped countless children and young people in Tiwi, Kenya, to have a chance of a better future. Through...

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria In February 2023, devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria. The destruction was enormous and the suffering of the people affected is immeasurable. Particularly hard hit were the...

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt A diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness changes the life of a child and their family from the ground up. For the children affected, it's not just about the physical battle against the...

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Service

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg Once a year, Münchberg says: "Let's go to the Wiesenfest weekend!" The Wiesenfest is a firmly established part of Münchberg's culture and...

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Educational project funding thanks to the WIRTH Foundation

The Protestant child and youth welfare service Münchberg has been doing valuable work for years to help children and young people in difficult life situations. With numerous educational programs, the facility helps young people to realize their potential and develop in a protected environment. The child and youth welfare service is now delighted to have the support of the WIRTH Foundationwhich covers a proportion of the personnel costs for an additional teacher. This funding makes it possible to provide even more intensive care and implement other important projects.

More support for children and young people in difficult situations

Children and young people who are confronted with challenges such as neglect, abuse or emotional problems in their family need special support. This is precisely where the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg comes in. With its professional educational services, it offers young people a stable environment in which they feel safe and can gradually develop a positive outlook for the future.

Through the work of the experienced pedagogues

not only meet the basic needs of the children and young people, but also promote their personal strengths. Creative projects, therapeutic offers and individual support are crucial in helping young people to deal with trauma and forge new paths.

The importance of the WIRTH Foundation for educational work

Thanks to the support of the WIRTH Foundation, the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg is now able to employ an additional teacher, which significantly improves the care situation. The additional personnel resources make it possible to provide the children and young people with more intensive care and to respond to their individual needs.

"We are very grateful to the WIRTH Foundation for this funding," says a spokesperson for the facility. "The additional teacher will enable us to expand our work even further and offer the children and young people more support."

The work of the teachers: More than just care

The pedagogues

of the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg not only provide traditional care work. They accompany young people on their way through difficult phases of life and help them to overcome challenges. This includes

  • Individual support: Every child and young person is recognized for his or her individual needs. The pedagogues

    work to promote the strengths of young people and support them in their development.

  • Therapeutic offers: Many of the children and young people have had traumatic experiences. Therapeutic offers, accompanied by trained specialists, are therefore an important part of the work.

  • Creative projects: Creative projects, such as art and music therapy, play a central role in helping young people to express their feelings and find new ways of processing them.

A strong network: Together for the future

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg works closely with other social and educational institutions to build a strong network to support children and young people. Close cooperation with schools, therapists and youth welfare offices is also an important part of the work.

The funding from the WIRTH Foundation is an important building block for continuing and expanding this work. It makes it possible to respond specifically to the needs of the children and young people and to expand staff capacity so that individual support can be improved.

How you can support the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg

In addition to the generous support of the WIRTH Foundation, the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg also relies on donations and voluntary work. Here are some ways in which you can help:

  • Donations: Donations help to continue and expand the wide range of educational projects and therapeutic services.

  • Volunteer work: Volunteer helpers

    are very welcome to support the team in looking after the children and young people. Every contribution, big or small, is valuable.

  • Donations in kind: Donations in kind such as books, craft materials or toys are also always needed and are a direct help for the children and young people.

More information about the work of the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg and how you can help can be found on the Website of the institution.

Frequently asked questions

1. what does the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg do?
Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg supports children and young people who live in difficult family or social situations. It offers educational and therapeutic services to help young people overcome their problems and develop a positive outlook for the future.

2 How does the WIRTH Foundation help the Münchberg Children's and Youth Welfare Service?
The WIRTH Foundation covers a proportion of the personnel costs for an additional teacher. This support makes it possible to intensify the care of the children and young people and to further expand the educational services.

3. which projects are supported by the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg?
The facility offers a variety of projects, including creative activities such as art and music therapy, individual support and therapeutic guidance. These projects help the children and young people to discover their abilities and deal with their challenges.

4. can I support the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg?
Yes, you can support the facility through donations, volunteer work or donations in kind. Every form of help helps to continue the educational work and give the children and young people a better future.

5. what effect does the additional teacher have on childcare?
The additional teacher enables the children and young people to receive more individual and intensive support. The increased capacity means that more activities can be offered and the personal development of the young people can be promoted even better.

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Horizont e.V. München: Ein Zuhause und echte Perspektiven für obdachlose Mütter und Kinder

Horizont e.V. Munich: A home and real prospects for homeless mothers and children

SPAGAT cultural stage

Culture for all: The importance of cultural participation through the Spagat Kulturbühne In a world that is changing ever faster, cultural meeting places are more valuable than ever. The Spagat Kulturbühne, a unique institution in the north of Munich, offers...

Hermann Lietz Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Hermann-Lietz-Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The Hermann Lietz Schools have made it their mission to awaken and promote the joy of learning in their pupils. In the boarding schools, which are steeped in tradition...

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The war in Ukraine has forced millions of people to flee, including countless children who often reach neighboring countries with only a few belongings. For these...

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. has been an important pillar of youth welfare in the district of Ahrweiler for over 35 years. The association's work is aimed at young people...

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education of the...

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground In summer 2022, an important construction project was due at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: the replacement of the fall protection on the playground of the...

Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya Since its foundation in 2003, Asante e.V. has helped countless children and young people in Tiwi, Kenya, to have a chance of a better future. Through...

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria In February 2023, devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria. The destruction was enormous and the suffering of the people affected is immeasurable. Particularly hard hit were the...

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt A diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness changes the life of a child and their family from the ground up. For the children affected, it's not just about the physical battle against the...

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Service

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg Once a year, Münchberg says: "Let's go to the Wiesenfest weekend!" The Wiesenfest is a firmly established part of Münchberg's culture and...

Horizont e.V. Munich: A home and real alternatives for homeless families

Munich, one of the most prosperous cities in Germany, is not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of homelessness. But behind the façade of economic success lies a bitter truth: more than 3,000 children live here without a permanent home (source: Munich Social Services Department, November 2022). This staggering figure represents more than just a lack of living space - it stands for fate, trauma and hopelessness. This is precisely where the non-profit association Horizont e.V. which has been offering mothers and their children in need a new perspective for over 25 years.

A safe haven for traumatized families

Most of the homeless families in Munich are invisible. They often hide from the public because they feel ashamed or are afraid that they will not be helped. Women and children who have ended up on the streets as a result of domestic violence or other traumatizing experiences are particularly affected. Without help and protection, they are left to fend for themselves in their distress.

Horizont e.V. was set up to give these invisible people a bit of normality and security again. The association not only offers a roof over their heads, but also comprehensive care and psychological support. Horizont helps the affected families to overcome their traumas and develop new perspectives on life through safe living spaces and targeted support.

How Horizont e.V. works: Holistic support for mothers and children

The services offered by Horizont e.V. go far beyond providing housing. In Horizont's houses, families not only find a safe home, but also security and a regular daily routine. Special attention is paid to the needs of children, who often suffer from the consequences of homelessness and the trauma they have experienced.

1. Living space and security

Providing housing is the first and most important step in giving stability to the mothers and children affected. For many of these families, a safe place means not only a roof over their heads, but also a feeling of protection and security. In the shelters run by Horizont e.V., the residents find

a home that enables them to find their feet again.

2. Psychosocial support and therapy

Many of the mothers and children in our care have experienced severe violence and are deeply traumatized. Horizont e.V. offers targeted psychological support to deal with these traumas. Both the mothers and the children receive therapeutic support to help them come to terms with what they have experienced and find new hope. This support is provided by qualified professionals who specialize in the particular needs of traumatized families.

3. Education and integration

Another central component of Horizont e.V.'s work is to promote the social and professional integration of mothers. Training courses, educational programs and practical assistance make it easier for the women to return to work. At the same time, the children are given the chance of a regular school education and social participation, which is crucial for their future.

The invisible struggle: homelessness in Munich

In Munich, homelessness is often invisible. Unlike in many large cities, the people affected here are less likely to be seen on the streets. Instead, many of them live in emergency shelters, with friends or in makeshift solutions. Women and children in particular easily fall into this vicious circle of invisibility. But the hardship is real: poverty, social isolation and the constant struggle to find a safe place to sleep are part of everyday life for many of these families.

The work of Horizont e.V. brings these invisible fates to light. Through targeted offers of help, the association draws attention to the problem of hidden homelessness and gives the affected families a voice. By offering them not only a home, but also long-term prospects, the initiative makes a decisive contribution to combating poverty and homelessness in Munich.

How you can help: Support for Horizont e.V.

The work of Horizont e.V. is made possible by donations and the active support of volunteers. Without this help, it would hardly be possible to help the families so comprehensively. Every contribution counts - whether through monetary donations, donations in kind or voluntary work.

If you would also like to make a contribution, you can find more information on the Website of Horizont e.V.. Your help can contribute to giving mothers and their children hope and a future again.

Frequently asked questions

1. how long can families stay at Horizont e.V.?
The duration of the stay depends on the individual situation of the families. However, the aim is to support them until they are able to stand on their own two feet again.

2 Who finances the work of Horizont e.V.?
It is mainly financed by donations and public funding. The city of Munich also supports the initiative.

3. what requirements must families fulfill in order to be accepted at Horizont e.V.?
Mothers and children who are acutely threatened or affected by homelessness are accepted. Places are allocated according to urgency.

4. how can I support Horizont e.V.?
There are many ways to support Horizont - through financial donations, donations in kind or voluntary work. You can find all the information you need on the association's website.

5. what successes has Horizont e.V. already achieved?
Over the past 25 years, the association has helped countless families to build a new life. Thanks to Horizont's support, many women have been able to return to work and give their children a stable future.

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