Hermann-Lietz-Schulen: Freude am Lernen fördern – unterstützt von der WIRTH-Stiftung

Hermann Lietz Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

SPAGAT cultural stage

Culture for all: The importance of cultural participation through the Spagat Kulturbühne In a world that is changing ever faster, cultural meeting places are more valuable than ever. The Spagat Kulturbühne, a unique institution in the north of Munich, offers...

Hermann Lietz Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Hermann-Lietz-Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The Hermann Lietz Schools have made it their mission to awaken and promote the joy of learning in their pupils. In the boarding schools, which are steeped in tradition...

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The war in Ukraine has forced millions of people to flee, including countless children who often reach neighboring countries with only a few belongings. For these...

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. has been an important pillar of youth welfare in the district of Ahrweiler for over 35 years. The association's work is aimed at young people...

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education of the...

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground In summer 2022, an important construction project was due at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: the replacement of the fall protection on the playground of the...

Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya Since its foundation in 2003, Asante e.V. has helped countless children and young people in Tiwi, Kenya, to have a chance of a better future. Through...

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria In February 2023, devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria. The destruction was enormous and the suffering of the people affected is immeasurable. Particularly hard hit were the...

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt A diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness changes the life of a child and their family from the ground up. For the children affected, it's not just about the physical battle against the...

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Service

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg Once a year, Münchberg says: "Let's go to the Wiesenfest weekend!" The Wiesenfest is a firmly established part of Münchberg's culture and...

Hermann Lietz Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

The Hermann Lietz Schools have set themselves the task of developing their students' The joy of learning to awaken and promote the spirit of the children. In the boarding schools, which are steeped in tradition, emphasis is placed on ensuring that pupils

not only acquire specialist skills, but also think holistically and take responsibility for themselves and others. This valuable work is now being supported by the WIRTH Foundation which makes a donation to support the education and upbringing of pupils.

Tradition and modernity: a place of holistic learning

The Hermann Lietz Schools are caught in an exciting field of tension between Tradition and modernity. Since their foundation, they have repeatedly risen to the challenges of the times and continued to develop. In doing so, they have remained true to their goal: to accompany pupils on their journey, support them and provide them with a holistic education.

The schools see themselves as "Homes of learning", which not only offer security and protection, but also the Willingness to perform the pupil

promote. Values such as Social commitment, Sense of responsibility and Shaping the future plays a central role. The Hermann-Lietz-Schulen attach great importance to ensuring that their pupils grow up to become mature and responsible citizens who are actively committed to the common good.

Support for the WIRTH Foundation: promoting education and upbringing

Thanks to the generous donation from WIRTH Foundation the Hermann Lietz Schools will be able to further expand their educational programs and provide their students with even more targeted support. The donation will be used to Education and training and to improve the learning environment at schools. The aim is not only to provide children and young people with a sound school education, but also to improve their creative and social skills to develop.

"We are delighted to have the support of the WIRTH Foundation," says a spokesperson for the Hermann Lietz Schools. "This donation will enable us to ensure that we continue to provide the best possible support for our pupils and offer them a positive learning experience."

Awakening the joy of learning

The concept of the Hermann Lietz Schools is based on the fact that Making learning fun should. Because only those who learn with enthusiasm can be successful in the long term. At the Hermann Lietz Schools, lessons are designed in such a way that pupils can actively participate and pursue their interests. In addition to traditional lessons, emphasis is placed on practical experience that make the subject matter lively and tangible.

At a time when many children and young people are struggling with school pressure and performance requirements, the Hermann-Lietz-Schulen focus on a learning environment that offers security and support. Here, pupils should not only Acquire knowledgebut also learn how to apply this knowledge and put it into practice in their own lives.

Holistic education and social commitment

A central element of the Hermann Lietz Schools is the holistic education. In addition to the academic content, creative, sporting and social skills are also promoted. The pupils are encouraged to do so, to act responsibly and to play an active role in the community. Social commitment and advocacy for the common good are core values that are practiced in everyday school life.

By living and learning together, the children and young people experience how important Tolerance, respect and cooperation are. These values are not only important for success at school, but also for life in modern society.

A place to shape the future

At the Hermann Lietz Schools, pupils learn that they can shape their own future. They are encouraged, courageous and creative to think, develop new ideas and realize their own potential. This happens not only in the classroom, but also through numerous projects and practical learning opportunities that enable pupils to

to discover and develop their own strengths.

Thanks to the support of the WIRTH Foundation, the Hermann Lietz Schools can further expand these projects and offer pupils even more opportunities to discover and develop their skills.

The importance of the WIRTH Foundation

The WIRTH Foundation has set itself the task of promoting education and upbringing. Your support for the Hermann Lietz Schools is an important contribution to promoting a learning environment that focuses on holistic education and individual support. This donation will enable the schools to further improve their facilities and give pupils even better opportunities to achieve their goals.

How you can support the Hermann Lietz Schools

The Hermann Lietz Schools are committed to providing their pupils with the best possible education and support. In order to continue this work, the school is dependent on support. There are various ways in which you can support the Hermann Lietz Schools:

  • Donations: Financial support helps to improve the learning environment and to develop new projects that will benefit the students.

    benefit from this.

  • Voluntary commitment: If you would like to get actively involved, there are many opportunities to become a mentor or supporter of the students.

    to get involved.

  • Sponsoring: Through sponsorship, companies can help to further expand the educational opportunities offered by schools and support pupils in their development.

Further information about the Hermann Lietz Schools and how you can help can be found on the Website of the Stiftung Deutsche Landerziehungsheime.

Frequently asked questions

1 What are the Hermann Lietz Schools?
The Hermann Lietz Schools are boarding schools that offer a holistic education and upbringing. They focus on awakening the joy of learning and educating pupils to become responsible and independent people.

2 How does the WIRTH Foundation support the Hermann Lietz Schools?
The WIRTH Foundation supports the schools with a donation that is used to promote the education and upbringing of the pupils. This donation helps to improve the learning environment and implement new projects.

3 Why is the joy of learning so important?
Enjoying learning promotes motivation and long-term learning success. Children and young people who enjoy learning often develop a positive attitude towards education and are able to develop their full potential.

4 What is meant by holistic education?
Holistic education encompasses not only subject-specific knowledge, but also the promotion of social, creative and emotional skills. It aims to educate pupils to become well-rounded, responsible people.

5 How can I support the Hermann Lietz Schools?
You can support the schools through donations, volunteer work or sponsorship. Any help helps to further improve the education and support of the pupils.

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Unterstützung der Jugendarbeit auch nach der Flut

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood

SPAGAT cultural stage

Culture for all: The importance of cultural participation through the Spagat Kulturbühne In a world that is changing ever faster, cultural meeting places are more valuable than ever. The Spagat Kulturbühne, a unique institution in the north of Munich, offers...

Hermann Lietz Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Hermann-Lietz-Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The Hermann Lietz Schools have made it their mission to awaken and promote the joy of learning in their pupils. In the boarding schools, which are steeped in tradition...

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The war in Ukraine has forced millions of people to flee, including countless children who often reach neighboring countries with only a few belongings. For these...

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. has been an important pillar of youth welfare in the district of Ahrweiler for over 35 years. The association's work is aimed at young people...

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education of the...

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground In summer 2022, an important construction project was due at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: the replacement of the fall protection on the playground of the...

Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya Since its foundation in 2003, Asante e.V. has helped countless children and young people in Tiwi, Kenya, to have a chance of a better future. Through...

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria In February 2023, devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria. The destruction was enormous and the suffering of the people affected is immeasurable. Particularly hard hit were the...

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt A diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness changes the life of a child and their family from the ground up. For the children affected, it's not just about the physical battle against the...

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Service

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg Once a year, Münchberg says: "Let's go to the Wiesenfest weekend!" The Wiesenfest is a firmly established part of Münchberg's culture and...

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood

The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. has been an important pillar of youth welfare in the district of Ahrweiler for over 35 years. The association's work is aimed at young people and young adults who are looking for vocational guidance, qualifications and support. Especially after the devastating flood disaster in the summer of 2021, the association played a central role in offering young people in the Ahrweiler district prospects again and helping them to pursue their career goals despite the difficult circumstances. Thanks to the WIRTH Foundation the association was able to purchase new training tablets in June 2022 and thus further advance the vocational qualification of young people.

Foto von drei Mitarbeiterinnen des Logo Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler.

The work of the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler

The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. (JHV) offers young people and young adults aged 16 to 30 a wide range of support and training opportunities. The association accompanies young people on their path to a career and supports them in their professional orientation, training and the acquisition of additional qualifications.

The association's most important programs include

  • Vocational orientation and qualification: With programs such as EddA (Successful through training) and JUMP (With additional qualification in training) young people are supported on their path to a professional future. These projects help them to orient themselves professionally, acquire qualifications and make a successful start to their working lives.

  • School social work: The association is also in the ASD-related school social work and currently looks after four schools in the Ahrweiler district. There he supports pupils

    in everyday life, offers a sympathetic ear for private and school problems and helps them to overcome challenges.

  • Project LOS (Life without debt): For young adults up to the age of 35, the association offers the project LOS which shows them ways out of the debt trap and supports them in financial self-management.

The work of the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler is designed to give young people the tools they need to be successful in their professional and private lives. Especially after the flood disaster in 2021, which destroyed large parts of the district of Ahrweiler, the work of the association was crucial in giving young people prospects again.

The impact of the 2021 flood disaster

The flood disaster in the summer of 2021 hit the district of Ahrweiler hard. Many families lost their homes and the infrastructure for education and vocational training was also severely damaged. Many schools and educational institutions faced major challenges, and the Ahrweiler District Youth Aid Association also had to replace a considerable amount of its equipment in order to continue its work.

Among other things, the flood caused many Training tablets which were available to the young people in the association's qualification programs. These tablets are an important part of vocational training, as they provide access to learning materials, online courses and vocational training opportunities.

Support from the WIRTH Foundation: New training tablets

In June 2022, the WIRTH Foundation financially supported the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler to provide the urgently needed Training tablets to replace them. These new tablets are crucial to ensure that young people continue to have access to digital education and vocational qualifications.

"The support from the WIRTH Foundation was a blessing for us," said a spokesperson for the youth aid association. "Thanks to this donation, we were able to react quickly and provide the young people with the technical resources they need for their training."

The new tablets enable the young people to continue to take part in the association's qualification and training programs, even though the infrastructure has still not been fully restored in many parts of the region. They are an important step on the road to normality and help the young people to develop career prospects despite the difficult circumstances.

Long-term support for young people

The youth work of the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler is designed to offer young people long-term support and provide them with the skills and qualifications they need to be successful in their professional lives. Programs such as EddA and JUMP are specifically designed to facilitate the transition from school to work and provide additional qualifications that are an advantage on the labor market.

By working closely with schools and providing support with personal and academic problems, the association creates a basis of trust on which the young people can develop. The project in particular LOS - Life without debt offers young adults valuable help to free themselves from the debt trap and become financially independent.

How you can support the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler

The work of the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler is of vital importance to many young people in the district of Ahrweiler. The association relies on donations and support in order to continue its programs and offer young people the best possible support.

There are various ways in which you too can support the association:

  • Donations: Any financial support helps to maintain the association's programs and provide the necessary equipment for the young people.

  • Volunteer work: If you would like to get actively involved, you can become a mentor or supporter in the association's programs and work directly with the young people.

  • Sponsoring: Companies can support the work of the association through sponsorship and help to promote the vocational qualification of young people.

Further information about the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler and how you can help can be found on the Website of the association.

Frequently asked questions

1. what does the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler do?
The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. offers young people and young adults vocational guidance, training and support. The association accompanies young people on their way into the world of work and offers programs such as EddA, JUMP and LOS - Leben ohne Schulden.

2. how has the WIRTH Foundation supported the Youth Aid Association?
In June 2022, the WIRTH Foundation provided financial support for the replacement of training tablets that had been lost due to the flood disaster in 2021. These tablets are crucial for the vocational training of young people.

3 Why are training tablets so important?
Training tablets give young people access to digital learning materials, online courses and professional development opportunities. They are a key component of the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein's qualification programs.

4. how can I support the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler?
You can support the association through donations, volunteer work or sponsorship. Any help will help to continue and expand the programs for young people.

5. what other projects does the Jugend-Hilfe-Verein offer?
In addition to the EddA and JUMP qualification programs, the association offers school social work at four schools in the Ahrweiler district. The LOS project also helps young adults to find ways out of the debt trap.

Logo Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler
Musikalische Früherziehung: WIRTH-Stiftung fördert die Kleinsten in der Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Münchberg

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

SPAGAT cultural stage

Culture for all: The importance of cultural participation through the Spagat Kulturbühne In a world that is changing ever faster, cultural meeting places are more valuable than ever. The Spagat Kulturbühne, a unique institution in the north of Munich, offers...

Hermann Lietz Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Hermann-Lietz-Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The Hermann Lietz Schools have made it their mission to awaken and promote the joy of learning in their pupils. In the boarding schools, which are steeped in tradition...

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The war in Ukraine has forced millions of people to flee, including countless children who often reach neighboring countries with only a few belongings. For these...

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. has been an important pillar of youth welfare in the district of Ahrweiler for over 35 years. The association's work is aimed at young people...

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education of the...

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground In summer 2022, an important construction project was due at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: the replacement of the fall protection on the playground of the...

Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya Since its foundation in 2003, Asante e.V. has helped countless children and young people in Tiwi, Kenya, to have a chance of a better future. Through...

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria In February 2023, devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria. The destruction was enormous and the suffering of the people affected is immeasurable. Particularly hard hit were the...

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt A diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness changes the life of a child and their family from the ground up. For the children affected, it's not just about the physical battle against the...

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Service

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg Once a year, Münchberg says: "Let's go to the Wiesenfest weekend!" The Wiesenfest is a firmly established part of Münchberg's culture and...

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education the Evangelical parish of Münchberg offers the youngest children the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of music at an early age and discover it in a playful way. Thanks to the support of the WIRTH Foundation this valuable work can be continued to give children in Münchberg early access to music.

Early learning through music: a playful journey of discovery

Early musical education is aimed at children of Kindergarten age and introduces them to the world of music through creative and playful methods. At this early age, it is particularly important that the children experience music in a way that corresponds to their stage of development - through singing, dancing and exploring simple instruments.

They learn basic musical elements such as Rhythm, melodies, dynamics and reading music know. The program teaches the children that music is not just something that can be heard, but can also be actively created. Whether by making music together, getting to know instruments for the first time or learning songs - the children experience the joy of music and develop an early awareness of tones and sounds.

Advantages of early musical education

Studies show that children who are introduced to music at an early age are more likely to Easy access to play instruments, sing and consciously listen to music. Early musical education not only supports the cognitive developmentbut also the Social and emotional intelligence. Making music together promotes the Interaction and an understanding of rhythm and harmony, while singing strengthens language awareness and the ability to express oneself.

In addition, music helps to Concentration and stimulate creative thought processes. Children who are musically stimulated at a young age often develop a higher attention span and a better memory. Also the Self-confidence is strengthened when the children experience how they can create music through their own abilities.

The role of the WIRTH Foundation

The WIRTH Foundation has recognized the importance of early musical education and is supporting this project in the Protestant parish of Münchberg with a generous donation. This support helps to ensure that the Music school can continue to exist and expand its services. The donation makes it possible to purchase new instruments and learning materials and to ensure that the children receive educational support.

"We are very grateful to the WIRTH Foundation for their support," said a spokesperson for the Münchberg Protestant church community. "With this help, we can continue to give the children the opportunity to experience and learn music, which is invaluable for their personal development."

A musical start to life

For many children, early musical education is their first contact with the world of music. This is where the foundations are laid that will later Instrumental playing and the conscious listening to music facilitate. Children who learn to express themselves through music at an early age often develop a deep bond with music that accompanies them throughout their lives.

Early musical education offers children the chance to discover their creative side and develop important social and motor skills at the same time. Through the playful introduction to instruments and singing and dancing together, music becomes a natural part of their lives.

The importance of early musical education for the community

The Protestant parish of Münchberg attaches great importance to offering the children in the parish holistic support, which also includes cultural and artistic education is not neglected. Early musical education is a central component of the community's educational program and is appreciated by parents and children alike.

Thanks to the support of the WIRTH Foundation, this program can continue and even be expanded. The church community hopes that many more children will benefit from this program and discover the joy of music.

How you can support the Protestant parish of Münchberg

The Protestant parish of Münchberg is dependent on support in order to maintain and expand projects such as early musical education. There are various ways in which you too can support the parish:

  • Donations: Financial support helps to promote the purchase of new instruments and materials as well as pedagogical work.

  • Volunteer work: Anyone who would like to get involved in early music education is very welcome to become part of the team and help the children learn music.

  • Sponsoring: Companies can help to secure and further develop children's musical education through sponsorship.

More information about early music education and how you can help can be found on the Website of the Münchberg parish.

Frequently asked questions

1 What is early musical education?
Early music education is a program that introduces children of kindergarten age to music in a playful way. They learn basic musical concepts such as rhythm, melody and dynamics and are introduced to instruments and singing.

2 Why is early musical education important?
Early musical education promotes the cognitive, social and emotional development of children. It strengthens self-confidence, improves concentration and supports the learning of a sense of language and rhythm.

3. how does the WIRTH Foundation support early musical education?
The WIRTH Foundation has made a donation to ensure the continuation of early music education in the Protestant parish of Münchberg. The donation will be used to purchase instruments and provide educational support for the children.

4 How can I support the Evangelical Parish of Münchberg?
You can support the community through donations or volunteer work. Any help will contribute to the continuation and expansion of early music education.

5 What do children learn in early music education?
The children learn musical basics such as rhythm, melodies, dynamics and reading music. They discover instruments, sing songs and develop an initial understanding of music.

Logo Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Münchberg

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Sicherer Spielspaß dank neuem Fallschutz auf dem Spielplatz

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground

SPAGAT cultural stage

Culture for all: The importance of cultural participation through the Spagat Kulturbühne In a world that is changing ever faster, cultural meeting places are more valuable than ever. The Spagat Kulturbühne, a unique institution in the north of Munich, offers...

Hermann Lietz Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Hermann-Lietz-Schools: Promoting the joy of learning - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The Hermann Lietz Schools have made it their mission to awaken and promote the joy of learning in their pupils. In the boarding schools, which are steeped in tradition...

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation

Save the Children: Emergency aid for Ukrainian children - supported by the WIRTH Foundation The war in Ukraine has forced millions of people to flee, including countless children who often reach neighboring countries with only a few belongings. For these...

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood

Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler: Support for youth work even after the flood The Jugend-Hilfe-Verein Kreis Ahrweiler e.V. has been an important pillar of youth welfare in the district of Ahrweiler for over 35 years. The association's work is aimed at young people...

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education of the...

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground In summer 2022, an important construction project was due at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: the replacement of the fall protection on the playground of the...

Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya Since its foundation in 2003, Asante e.V. has helped countless children and young people in Tiwi, Kenya, to have a chance of a better future. Through...

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria In February 2023, devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria. The destruction was enormous and the suffering of the people affected is immeasurable. Particularly hard hit were the...

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt A diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness changes the life of a child and their family from the ground up. For the children affected, it's not just about the physical battle against the...

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Service

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg Once a year, Münchberg says: "Let's go to the Wiesenfest weekend!" The Wiesenfest is a firmly established part of Münchberg's culture and...

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground

In the summer of 2022, the Evangelical Child and Youth Welfare Münchberg an important construction project was on the agenda: replacing the fall protection on the children's home playground. The home's outdoor area is used daily by the children, and over the years the old fall protection under the playground equipment had become worn and unsafe. To ensure the safety of the children, the surface had to be renewed. Thanks to the generous support of the WIRTH Foundation and the Wirth family The costs for this construction work were covered and the playground was made safer.

A safe place to play

The children's home playground is a central place for the children to let off steam, play together and develop their motor skills. But safety is the top priority. After several years of use, the old fall protection made of wood chips was worn out and no longer offered the protection the children needed. There was an increased risk of injury in the event of a fall.

To make the playground safe again, the old fall protection was removed and replaced with new fall protection gravel replaced. This not only offers better protection in the event of falls, but also remains stable and low-maintenance over a longer period of time. The construction work ensured that the playground will remain a safe place for the children for years to come.

The support of the WIRTH Foundation

Replacing the fall protection was an urgent measure, but one that was associated with considerable costs. This is where the WIRTH Foundation which agreed to take on the financing of the construction work. Thanks to the generous donation from the foundation and the Wirth family, the necessary work was carried out quickly and professionally.

"We are very grateful to the WIRTH Foundation and the Wirth family for their generous support," said the head of the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Home. "Thanks to this donation, we were able to renovate the playground quickly and continue to offer the children a safe space to play."

A place of joy and development

The playground at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg is more than just a place to play. Here, the children experience community, build friendships and have the opportunity to develop their motor skills. For many of the children who live in the home, the playground is an important retreat where they can enjoy carefree moments.

With the new fall protection gravel, the children can now play carefree again without parents or carers having to worry.

have to worry about their safety. The fall protection gravel provides the necessary cushioning in the event of falls and ensures that there is no risk of injury, even during wild romps.

The role of the WIRTH Foundation in the region

The WIRTH Foundation has made it its mission to support local projects that promote the well-being of children and young people. The financing of the new fall protection on the playground of the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg is just one of many examples of how the foundation is helping to improve the quality of life of children in the region.

Through its regular support of educational and leisure projects, the foundation enables children and young people to grow up in a safe and supportive environment. The cooperation with the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg shows how important such partnerships are for the success of charitable projects.

How you can support the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg

The Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg is always dependent on donations and support in order to realize projects such as the renovation of the playground. There are various ways in which you can support the association:

  • Donations: Any financial support helps to maintain and expand child and youth welfare facilities. Whether for building work or leisure projects - your donation makes a difference.

  • Voluntary commitment: If you would like to get actively involved, there are many opportunities to help as a volunteer. From looking after the children to providing support at events - any help is welcome.

  • Sponsoring: Through sponsorship, companies can help to promote long-term projects and further improve the quality of care.

More information about the work of the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg and how you can help can be found on the Website of the institution.

Frequently asked questions

1. why was the fall protection on the playground renewed?
The old fall protection made of wood chips was worn out and no longer provided the necessary protection against injuries. The new fall protection gravel ensures that the children land safely even if they fall.

2. how did the WIRTH Foundation support the playground?
The WIRTH Foundation and the Wirth family have covered the costs of replacing the fall protection on the playground. This made it possible to carry out the construction work quickly and effectively.

3 Why is a safe playground so important?
A safe playground allows children to play carefree and be physically active without a high risk of injury. It promotes children's motor skills and social interaction.

4 How can I support the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg?
You can support the facility through donations, voluntary work or sponsorship. Every form of help contributes to the further expansion of services for children and young people.

5 What other projects does the WIRTH Foundation support?
The WIRTH Foundation supports a variety of projects that improve the well-being of children and young people in the region. These include educational initiatives, leisure projects and support for social institutions.

Logo Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg
Asante e.V.: Schulpatenschaften und Unterstützung für Schüler in Tiwi, Kenia

Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

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Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya Since its foundation in 2003, Asante e.V. has helped countless children and young people in Tiwi, Kenya, to have a chance of a better future. Through...

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Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Service

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Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya

Since its foundation in 2003, the association has Asante e.V. in Tiwi, Kenya, has helped countless children and young people to have a chance of a better future. Through school sponsorships, food aid and medical care, the charitable organization supports orphans and schoolchildren in particular

from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. The focus is on providing children with a solid school education and supporting them on their educational path through to vocational qualifications. However, the association's work goes far beyond simply providing education - it gives the children and their families hope and prospects.

School sponsorships: Education as the key to the future

A central concern of Asante e.V. is the mediation of School sponsorships to children in need. These sponsorships ensure that the children can go to school despite difficult social and financial circumstances. Many of the sponsored children are orphans or come from families who are unable to pay school fees and materials. The school sponsorships give them the opportunity to complete a comprehensive school education, which offers them a chance of work and independence after school.

The association accompanies the pupils

throughout their school years - from elementary school to secondary school. But the support doesn't end when they finish school: Asante e.V. also offers Training aid for pupils

who wish to continue their education at grammar schools, vocational schools or even to become teachers.

Support beyond the school day

In addition to school education, Asante e.V. also provides the Children's well-being during the vacations. Many of the children are on their own during the vacations when school is not open. That's why the association ensures that the children also have Breakfast and lunch receive. This continuous food supply helps the children to recover and stay healthy so that they can return to school stronger after the vacations.

Another important aspect of Asante e.V.'s work is to support the Grandmothers and relativeswho look after the orphans. Many of the children have lost their parents through illness or other circumstances and now live in extended families. To ensure that the orphans grow up in a stable environment, the association supports these families with Food aid. This gives the extended families the security they need to provide the children with adequate care and a loving environment.

Medical care: Health as the basis for success

Another focus of Asante e.V. is the Medical care of the sponsored pupils

and their families. In many cases, access to medical care is very limited in rural regions such as Tiwi. The association therefore covers the costs of the children's medical treatment to ensure that they remain healthy and can learn successfully. In emergency situations, the association also supports other needy people in the region who urgently require medical assistance.

Infrastructure and equipment: the basis for the future

In order to realize its goals, Asante e.V. invests in the Creation of facilities and equipmentthat are necessary for the children's education. This includes school buildings, classrooms, learning materials and sports equipment that provide a conducive environment for the children to develop in the best possible way. The association's support goes beyond the individual child and contributes to improving the overall educational infrastructure in Tiwi.

A strong community

The work of Asante e.V. is based on a strong network of supporters.

and volunteers who put their heart and soul into helping children in Kenya. Together with local partners and schools, the association works to sustainably improve the living conditions of the children and their families.

Thanks to generous donations and sponsorships, Asante e.V. has been able to pave the way to a better future for many children and young people over the years. However, the need for support remains great, as many more children are in need and dependent on help.

How you can support Asante e.V.

The work of Asante e.V. is based on Donations and sponsorships to ensure the continued education and well-being of the children in Tiwi. There are various ways to support the association:

  • School sponsorships: By sponsoring a child in Tiwi, you can give them access to education and the chance to build a better future for themselves.

  • Donations: Every donation helps Asante e.V. to continue its projects - be it for food aid, medical care or the expansion of school buildings.

  • Voluntary commitment: If you would like to get actively involved, there are various ways to support the association through voluntary work.

Further information about the work of Asante e.V. and how you can help can be found on the Website of the association.

Frequently asked questions

1. what is the aim of Asante e.V.?
Asante e.V. promotes the education of needy children in Tiwi, Kenya, through school sponsorships and support in the areas of education, health and nutrition. The association aims to give the children a long-term perspective for a better future.

2 How does a school sponsorship work?
A school sponsorship enables a child to go to school by covering the costs of school fees, uniforms, learning materials and meals. Pat

accompany the child throughout the school years.

3. how does Asante e.V. support the families of the orphans?
The association supports the grandmothers and relatives of the orphans with food aid so that the children can grow up in their extended families. This ensures that the children live in a stable environment.

4. how does Asante e.V. help with medical care?
Asante e.V. covers the costs of medical care for the sponsored pupils

and also supports people in emergency situations who are dependent on medical assistance.

5. how can I support Asante e.V.?
You can support the association through school sponsorships, donations or voluntary work. Every form of help contributes to continuing the work of the association and improving the lives of the children in Tiwi.

Dringend benötigte Nahrungsmittelhilfe: Hungersnot gefährdet die Schulausbildung in Kenia

Urgently needed food aid: famine jeopardizes school education in Kenya

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Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish

Early musical education: WIRTH Foundation supports the youngest members of the Münchberg Protestant parish Music touches the soul, brings joy and promotes important cognitive and social skills - especially in children. The early musical education of the...

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground

Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: Safe playtime fun thanks to new fall protection on the playground In summer 2022, an important construction project was due at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg: the replacement of the fall protection on the playground of the...

Asante e.V.: School sponsorships and support for pupils in Tiwi, Kenya

Asante e.V.: Education and future opportunities for needy children in Tiwi, Kenya Since its foundation in 2003, Asante e.V. has helped countless children and young people in Tiwi, Kenya, to have a chance of a better future. Through...

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

terre des hommes: Disaster relief for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria In February 2023, devastating earthquakes struck Turkey and Syria. The destruction was enormous and the suffering of the people affected is immeasurable. Particularly hard hit were the...

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt

Meerleben e.V.: Surf therapy for children with cancer on Sylt A diagnosis of cancer or other serious illness changes the life of a child and their family from the ground up. For the children affected, it's not just about the physical battle against the...

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Münchberg Protestant Children's and Youth Welfare Service

Wiesenfest 2023: WIRTH Foundation supports children and young people at the Evangelische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Münchberg Once a year, Münchberg says: "Let's go to the Wiesenfest weekend!" The Wiesenfest is a firmly established part of Münchberg's culture and...

Urgently needed food aid: famine jeopardizes school education in Kenya

The famine in Kenya is reaching threatening proportions. Many families, especially in rural regions such as Tiwi, are struggling to survive. This emergency situation also has a serious impact on children's schooling. Asante e.V.an organization that has been supporting needy children in Kenya for many years, is facing a major challenge: without sufficient food, many pupils at the Kristina Academy and the Tiwi Redeemed Academy do not continue to go to school. The association therefore has to provide not only the children but also their families with urgently needed food.

The devastating situation in Kenya

Asante e.V. has been providing disaster relief in Kenya since April 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic and prolonged periods of drought have dramatically exacerbated the already fragile food situation in the country. Many families can neither afford enough food nor send their children to school. For Asante e.V., which has set itself the task of providing these children with a solid school education, the situation has deteriorated significantly.

The humanitarian crisis affects not only the schoolchildren themselves, but also their families. Without food security at home, it is almost impossible to focus on education. Parents cannot send their children to school if they do not even know how to feed the family.

The role of Asante e.V. in this crisis

Asante e.V. has been supporting needy children in Kenya for many years and providing them with access to education - from primary and secondary schools to universities and vocational schools. The association has recognized that the continuation of school education is only possible if the basic needs of the families are secured. This is why, in addition to educational aid, the Food aid an essential part of the association's work.

Every month, Asante e.V. distributes food to the families of the approximately 900 children it supports. This ensures that not only the children, but also their parents and grandparents benefit from the support. A bag full of food that the families take home is often shared with up to 6,000 people in the extended family and neighborhood.

Why food aid is crucial for education

No child can learn without food. The hunger crisis in Kenya has meant that many children are malnourished and do not have the strength to follow lessons. Parents, who are often unemployed due to the economic crisis, are also unable to take care of their children's education when they have to fight for survival on a daily basis.

Asante e.V. has recognized that food aid not only ensures immediate survival, but is also a long-term investment in the children's future. Once the basic needs of the families are met, the parents can start thinking about their children's education again and the children have the energy and motivation to attend school.

The urgency of the situation: appeal for donations

Asante e.V. therefore calls for urgent donations to continue the food aid for the families of schoolchildren in Tiwi. The situation is critical and every donation helps to restore a little hope to the families. Just one bag of food can feed the parents and grandparents of the children receiving support for a few days, giving them the opportunity to continue sending their children to school.

The distribution of food by Asante e.V. goes beyond the schools: the schoolchildren's parents' homes are also involved to ensure that the children's environment is stable enough to enable them to attend school. Only if the families have a minimum level of security can the children attend school regularly and successfully complete their education.

How you can help

Support through donations is crucial to the work of Asante e.V.. Every donation goes directly towards food aid, which benefits needy families in Kenya. With your help, Asante e.V. can continue to ensure that children's schooling is not jeopardized by hunger.

  • With a donation of 25 euros a family can be supplied with basic foodstuffs for several days.
  • 50 Euro make it possible to provide food for a large family over a longer period of time.
  • 100 Euro help to provide sustainable support for several families and ensure that the children can continue to go to school.

Further information about the work of Asante e.V. and how you can help can be found on the Website of the association.

Frequently asked questions

1. why is food aid important for children's education?
Without a secure diet, children cannot learn. Many children in Kenya are malnourished and do not have the energy to follow lessons. Food aid ensures that children are healthy enough to attend school and learn.

2. how does Asante e.V. help the families?
Asante e.V. regularly distributes food to the families of the sponsored schoolchildren to ensure that both the children and their parents and grandparents are provided for. This ensures that their school education is not jeopardized by hunger.

3. how can I support the food aid of Asante e.V.?
You can support Asante e.V. by making a donation. Every donation goes directly towards food aid and helps the needy families who are in urgent need of support.

4. how many children are supported by Asante e.V.?
Asante e.V. currently supports around 900 children in various educational institutions, from elementary school to university.

5 What happens to the donations?
The donations are used directly to buy food that is distributed to the families of the schoolchildren. Every donation helps to provide the families with the help they urgently need.

Logo Asante e.V.